Home | Jeremy Côté
Bits, ink, particles, and words.
Every day, you change as a person. You do something just a little different than the day before. It’s not large. In mathematics, it’s called an infinitesimal change. Day to day, this change is so small that it is difficult to discern.
If you’re honest about it, the thing that’s holding you back is usually fear. The fear of being judged for your work, the fear of not being seen, the fear of being misunderstood, the fear of looking like an idiot. These are all fears that we all harbour within us. These feelings are only then amplified when we prepare to put something out into the world that we deem is important to us. After all, we don’t to publicly say, “This is what I did, and I think it’s great” only to be ignored by everyone. That would be a serious hit to the ego, and thus fear holds us back.
In every domain, from sports to language to the arts, amazing work gets produced every day. If some sort of extra-terrestrial civilization were to somehow look into what gets circulated online at any given moment, they could almost be fooled into thinking everything humans do is great.
Information is available more freely and readily than ever before. This is something that is evident enough, yet we don’t always consider the implications of such a statement. Because of this wealth of information, it is much easier to have many people who are uninformed spreading information that may or may not be the most accurate. Then, this information ends up getting repeated, before finally rooting itself in someone’s mind, despite being incorrect.