Jeremy Côté

Bits, ink, particles, and words.

An Informed Decision

It’s nice to think you’re bucking the trend, and taking the route less traveled. Just because that person asserted a fact, why should I believe them? If we are all supposed to have freedom of thought and expression, what makes their assertion any more valid than my explanation?

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Will You Choose to Act?

Before making this decision, you have to open your eyes to see that choice.

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Improvement is Not a Race

In a race, there can be a winner and a bunch of losers. This is because of one simple fact: everyone starts at the same line, at the same time.

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Optimal Configurations

Imagine you wanted to create a stack of solids that was as high as you could make it but only one solid wide. Therefore, each subsequent block you add to the structure must be place on top of the previous block.

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