Jeremy Côté

Bits, ink, particles, and words.

Stories and Tracks

I have been studying physics for over six years. As such, I have learned a bunch and changed as a person. I now have a better appreciation for physics and science in general than I did when I first began years ago, and I expect to see the field differently another five years from now.

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Not Everything Has To Be A Business

When we find a hobby or a craft that energizes us, why is our first instinct to figure out a way to turn it into a money-generating activity?

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The Little Details

As you get better at a craft, you start to notice details that others don’t. This is simply the result of doing the activity for so long that you’re intimately familiar with how it works. If you’re used to drawing comics, you might notice how the dialogue, pacing, and perspectives are done in each panel. For those who aren’t as familiar with the craft, they will notice good work, but not the details. You, on the other hand, can see them.

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Small Steps

If you ask me what kind of projects are my favourite to work on, my answer is clear: the ones where you can move forward a little bit each day, but take a long time to achieve. I love the process of getting better each day and working towards a goal. Whether that goal is finite or open-ended doesn’t really matter to me. What matters is the process.

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